14 years old. Long hours learning HTML, CSS, Javascript. 2 years after, I got an US Robotics 33k modem and was introduced to Slackware Linux. Started also learning PHP, Perl, C, Assembly and Visual Basic 6.

The year was 2003. That was me with 17 years old. High school was transferred to night schedule (7pm-11pm) so that I could work fulltime as PHP Developer. Fun with PHP, MySQL, Flash, CSS, JS, Linux (Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD, BeOS) etc Also had a chance to teach PHP and Web Development on few local IT schools

First year in University (B.Tech Industrial Automation). In the beginning, the web development world changed to Calculus, Electronics, Assembly for (Microcontrollers), C, Digital Systems, Industrial Networks, Robotics, CLPs, Electrical Panels, Supervisory Systems, etc. Freelancer on Web Development, mostly PHP/MySQL. Also helping with Macromedia Flash animations, 3D models (3DSMAX).

Worked as Web Developer for 18 months. Main focus PHP, MySQL, Fedora Linux, Squid, Samba, IPTables, etc;

Still working full time while finishing University. Electronic maintenance for printers, monitors and no-breaks.

Joined the broadcast TV world. Had a chance to learn video, audio and telecom. It was a mix of embedded systems development with TV Engineering and software. Created some tools in C/C++ to automate process, created a video editor with a mix of Visual Basic 6 and FFMPEG. Also created a CMS system with PHP for the engineering department which helped connecting multiple cities via intranet.

Worked 1 year with GPS Tracking systems for vehicles. C, PHP, Shellscripts, Firmwares, Hardware, Linux, PostgreSQL

After finishing a Post-Graduation in Network and Security Systems, I joined a big company in Brazil to work with telecommunications. Had a chance to implement an engineering management system to help the company and to connect through different department and telecom equipments. Had a chance to explore CentOS Linux, Ubuntu, Samba, DNS, C, PHP, Integrations SOAP, Oracle, MySQL, etc. Learned networking from E1 2mbps dedicated links to 10GB optical networks. Had a chance to work with VHF/UHF communication, MPLS, BGP, GPON, SDH, VOIP with many equipments like Cisco, Juniper, Huawei, Datacom, etc.

My wife and I decided to move to Canada where she grow up. In Canada, I started working with PHP (Symfony Framework). In 2014, I joined an E-commerce, and decided to get some certifications in order to adapt faster with the Canadian market. Got an official PHP Engineer and the AWS Developer certifications. In my last year over there, I was working with Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, AWS, etc. At this point, also helping out with security, lunch & learns, devops, etc

Joined the startup world in 2017 where I've been helping a great company and an awesome team. We are currently working with RubyOnRails, ReactJS, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Redshift, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, Sidekiq Queue, iOS, Android, and many other cool things.